Design Objective
Use an already existent pharmaceutical brand to create a logo, slogan, packaging and trade booth all related to the drug. Ideate and digitize the logo. Incorporate animated logo that was made. Create a flat digital composition of the booth, create photoshop mock-ups, physical scale models, and packaging design.
Design Brief
Aspimara is a drug that is used to help adults that struggle with anxiety and depression. The logo is used to symbolize a ribbon that can demonstrate the freedom that is felt after taking the drug. The slogan of the drug is “Feel at Ease” to symbolize the weight that can be taken off after taking Aspimara. The pharmaceutical booth has images of mountains and utilizes cool colors to keep the theme of the drug. A blister pack was created for the drug to be distributed in. The case is a grey cloud background and it includes our logo, the amount of capsules and milligrams, and a barcode for Pharmacists to easily scan.